./insdexer -h
Usage: insdexer [OPTIONS] --web3-provider <WEB3_PROVIDER> --start-block <START_BLOCK> --start-block-mint <START_BLOCK_MINT>
--tick-max-len <TICK_MAX_LEN>
The maximum length of tick [env: TICK_MAX_LEN=] [default: 32]
--worker-count <WORKER_COUNT>
The number of workers for sync blocks data [env: WORKER_COUNT=1] [default: 1]
--confirm-block <CONFIRM_BLOCK>
The number of confirm block, when inscribe a new block data [env: CONFIRM_BLOCK=1] [default: 1]
--chain-id <CHAIN_ID>
The chain id of the network [env: CHAIN_ID=1] [default: 1]
--web3-provider <WEB3_PROVIDER>
The web3 provider url [env: WEB3_PROVIDER=]
--start-block <START_BLOCK>
The start block number for sync and inscribe [env: START_BLOCK=5000000]
--start-block-mint <START_BLOCK_MINT>
The start block number for sync and token mint [env: START_BLOCK_MINT=5000000]
Reindex the block data [env: REINDEX=]
--worker-buffer-length <WORKER_BUFFER_LENGTH>
The length of worker sync buffer [env: WORKER_BUFFER_LENGTH=100] [default: 64]
--db-path <DB_PATH>
The path of database [env: DB_PATH=./data] [default: ./data]
--token-protocol <TOKEN_PROTOCOL>
The token protocol [env: TOKEN_PROTOCOL=erc-20] [default: erc-20]
--http-bind <HTTP_BIND>
The rpc http bind address [env: HTTP_BIND=] [default:]
--http-port <HTTP_PORT>
The rpc http port [env: HTTP_PORT=8888] [default: 8711]
Run in api only mode [env: API_ONLY=]
--open-files-limit <OPEN_FILES_LIMIT>
The open files limit [env: OPEN_FILES_LIMIT=1024000] [default: 10240]
--market-address-list <MARKET_ADDRESS_LIST>
The market address list [default: []]
-h, --help
Print help
-V, --version
Print version
Last updated